
Waveline Magnet Concept Design has been designed by Sea Wave Energy Limited (SWEL) as an eco energy solution for harnessing the power of the ocean. Built like a spine-like device floating on water, it harnesses the power of waves to produce electricity.

all images courtesy of SWEL

A Raw mechanical power output down to 1p/kWh crushing the wave industry reference value, putting the technology in its full capability on par with fossil fuels.SWEL claims that a single Waveline Magnet device, scaled to suit the wave climate at EMEC, would satisfy more than the hubs current grid-connection capabilities.

all images courtesy of SWEL

SWEL has developed and tested their devices in wave tanks and live sea environment. The Waveline Magnet occupies only a few centimetres of the covered surface area (above and below the surface) requiring a low mass of materials per square metre of the device.


The Waveline Magnet’s has an inherently low cost of manufacture due to the low mass of materials used, such as plastics and reinforced plastics.SWEL’s technology uses materials and components that can be found and supplied without the need for new specialised production lines or a huge new infrastructure to accommodate it.

The wave energy converter is designed to embrace the surface of the sea, or the ‘wave line’ as it is often referred to by SWEL. This allows the WEC to become one moving mass with the wave itself creating a unique interaction that allows SWEL to regulate how much energy is extracted from the wave in a controlled and non-disruptive manner.
