
Youtube Engineer The Q who enjoys experimenting with the physics of bikes, built a truly inventive wheelless bicycle. Utilizing welding, drilling, and flexing techniques, he skillfully shapes the components, subsequently assembling them to create the bike.

source-image: The Q

Rather than relying on round wheels, Sergii’s design incorporates rotating components to propel riders forward.To accomplish this feat, Gordieiev crafted a long treaded channel that was attached to both ends.

source-image: The Q

The back tread was also connected to an additional chain on the bike. This all allowed him to propel forward with each pedal turn.


The qpositions two sets of wheel belts at unconventional angles, resembling the mechanics of a tank. By harnessing the power of these belts, the bike gains momentum and allows the cycler to start riding.

Since the tracks only contact the ground at a point, too, the bike has very high ground pressure, which would make it likely to sink into anything less solid than asphalt.After completing the build, “The Q” then takes his new contraption for a test drive.
