
Symone designed by JOSEPH KFOURY is a new intermodal and shared mode of transportation powered by carbon-free hydrogen that rethinks the way people travel on long motorway journeys by combining time savings, comfort, ecology and road safety..

source-image: JOSEPH KFOURY

Symone is akin to a ferry boat on wheels, a bus intended to carry people but also their personal vehicles between the gates of major cities of the world.

source-image: JOSEPH KFOURY

Running on hydrogen fuel cells and fully connected, it alows passengers to bridge long distances safely and comfortably , and retrieve their own vehicles once arrived.

source-image: JOSEPH KFOURY

This French Tech project is still in its infancy from a design and engineering standpoint, but also homologation, since no road laws exist to this day for this new type of vehicle.


Symone is a large articulated coach that accommodates up to 20 passengers (including people with reduced mobility) and 9 cars and motorcycles. You book your trip on an app and arrive at the tollbooth. The driver loads your vehicle, and you get into a comfortable passenger cabin.

source-image: JOSEPH KFOURY

source-image: JOSEPH KFOURY

It is the driver who drives you safely. You could take advantage of your time to sleep, work, spend more time with your family. And you’ve decarbonized your highway trip because Symone runs on green hydrogen. With a simple idea, Symone will revolutionize the world of transportation.
