
The impressive aerodynamic Mercedes-Benz Euro-X semi autonomous truck concept, designed by Muyeon Cho as an intermediary step between human-operated trucks and absolute autonomy. This difference is most obvious in the cabin.

source-image: Muyeon Cho

There are no windows at the cabin, but the driver is there, relocated to the center. As the driver is situated in a center captain’s chair in the lower part of the cabin to monitor electrical systems, or take over during emergencies. The truck falls somewhere in-between the extreme minimalism of other driverless concepts and current designs.

source-image: Muyeon Cho

The Euro-X cabin’s pointed face cuts through air to decrease resistance and improve mileage. You won’t find any windows, but that doesn’t mean nobody is on board!

source-image: Muyeon Cho

The Mercedes Euro-X features an autonomous design yet offers a cozy cabin space within for an operator who can keep an eye on the system and make adjustments as required.


The transport truck identifies how we will see automotive design shift when it comes to commercial vehicles in the near future to ones that are inherently more efficient.

source-image: Muyeon Cho

source-image: Muyeon Cho

The Euro-X could be a near-future solution during an age of great transition. Its designer, Muyeon Cho doesn’t say much about his chassis, but he is aware that semis often operate for periods of 5,000 kilometers at a time.
