
Tesla e-bike concept designed by Kendall Toerner, its a futuristic concept bicycle packed with electronic steering, autopilot technology, and a new approach to suspension.

source-image: Kendall Toerner

Tesla Model B (Concept).A bridge between bicycles and road vehicles. Bicycles feel more vulnerable to cars, people, and objects. Biking involves more physical effort and is less accessible.

source-image: Kendall Toerner

Cars are more of a status symbol and more easily travel longer distances than bicycles. Combining the key advantages of bicycles and cars will accelerate the sustainability and efficiency of transportation in cities.

source-image: Kendall Toerner

The handlebars don’t move, but when you push on them, sensors detect that force and tell the fork to turn in the direction you want to go. Instead of turning handlebars and so turning the wheel, fold out handles would detect force. The wheel would then turn independently based on the force exerted, combined with input from a number of autopilot sensors.


So riders would have to relearn how to steer. There’s also a mention of autopilot, which is counterintuitive, because balance is key to successful riding. The bike would be powered by two independent motors – one in each wheel with suspension integrated into the spokes.

source-image: Kendall Toerner

source-image: Kendall Toerner

The bike has full autonomy to get the user out of harm’s way or guide them effortlessly to their destination. The Model B is fitted with forward, side-facing, and rear proximity LiDAR sensors that scan the surroundings and create a protective bubble around the rider, alerting the individual of any obstacles.
