An anti-gravity aircraft doesn’t use conventional turbine or rocket engine technology, but instead a propulsion system that creates thrust by generating high-energy plasma. These aircraft are also referred to as ‘flux liners’.In the case of the TR-3B Black Manta, it means a craft that uses highly pressured mercury accelerated by nuclear energy, so that plasma is produced, which, in turn, creates a field of anti-gravity around the craft.

It has an electromagnetic coil at the heart of it’s motive power system, the result of which is electromagnetic drive that interacts with the Higgs-Boson field at the quantum level. Heady stuff indeed!According to experts, the TR-3B Black Manta would use conventional thrusters located at the tips of the aircraft that would allow it to perform a dizzying number of rapid high-speed manoeuvres,including perfect right-angle turns and hyper acceleration.

And it could achieve this along all its three axes. Remember, the TR-3B was designed to be a subsonic stealth spy plane. That means the TR-3B Black Manta could sneak into just about any air space of any country and not be detected by its air traffic control or air defence systems.This little black number has been associated with multiple reports of sightings of flying triangle aircraft over Antelope Valley, an area of desert in southern California much beloved by UFO watchers.
It’s also this desert area of California that draws people interested in covert black project or ‘black ops aircraft projects, given its close proximity to several known military research and testing areas,including Edwards Air Force Base and USAF Plant 42, the latter which is a mere 60 miles or 97 kilometres from downtown Los Angeles.
In my humble opinion, the United States Air Force must thank its lucky stars for UFO enthusiasts and believers of alien spacecraft.After all, as Popular Mechanics has written, a number of reports of so-called black triangle UFOs have probably been secret military aircraft in reality. The TR-3B Black Manta would certainly be the type of black ops project typical of the U.S. Air Force and Navy.//via: Found And Explained