
Stuck in a traffic jam? Hum Rider is here to help. With the push of a button, Hum Rider widens and elevates and lets you drive over cars in front of you. Problem solved.

source-image: Hum Rider

The hum rider is an SUV fitted with custom hydraulics elevating it five feet in the air, offering enough clearance for it to rise above cars and cut through traffic.

source-image: Hum Rider

The Hum Rider Jeep is built upon a custom hydraulic system designed by Scott Beverly of A2Zfx. With a push of a button, the hydraulic system lifts the Grand Cherokee up into the air, where it stands 9 feet tall. The SUV’s system is powered by a gasoline honda generator mounted underneath, pumping fluid through 300 feet of hydraulic lines.


The Hum Rider comes equipped with four cameras underneath the body of the vehicle, providing drivers with a better view of the vehicles they are driving over.Designed by marketing agency Thinkmodo, the hydraulic car is designed to represent the extraordinary driving experience the Hum dongle can provide users.

While it certainly is a shame this incredible feat of engineering is no more than a one-off marketing stunt, it is probably for the best.If these things got out onto the roads,one can only fathom the kind of multi-levelled traffic chaos that would ensue.
