
The AWWA·VA “GIGAbay”, concept plane designed by Oscar Viñals is a concept of a “green” cargo airplane for this 21st century , based primary on its high ratio of eco-friendly purpose and its big versatile capacity to adapt to many “works”. AWWA·VA “GIGAbay” is the version for cargo transport of the AWWA “Sky Whale” concept plane, with similar base would be equipped with a new advanced technologies from alloys, ceramic or fiber composites, carbon nanotube and fiber optic cabling, smart materials (SMA), Hybrid & E-engines (E-e), active wings with wind generators inside.

source-image: Oscar Viñals

Capable to create electric energy with micro solar cells in hexagonal geometry like a part of structure’s ceiling or through two big electromagnetic generators named W.E.R.D.S. (wind energy recovery duct system) based in superconductivity technology and fuel cell stack –Hydrogen- that transform the air flow in energy.

source-image: Oscar Viñals

The airplane could be equipped with four Hybrid Engines –Fuel Electric- (hybrid turbo-electric propulsion system) the engines could use both fuel to burn in the engine’s core, and electricity to turn the turbofan when the core is powered down. The Hybrid engines could rotate up to 45 degrees in vertical position to assist in the take-off and landing maneuvers (VA -Versatile Alliance System- ), reducing substantially the distance of track to do this actions and like a support in adverse circumstances.

source-image: Oscar Viñals

All controlled with avionic systems and fly by wire system that is assisted with active sensors located through all the plane’s surface. Two E-engines (Electric power only) over the wings which together with the powerful electromagnetic generators (W.E.R.D.S.) provide of electric energy directly to engines and recharge the batteries’ plane.


The W.E.R.D.S. (Wind Energy Recovery Duct System) use four superconductor turbines, boosted with the air flow and when the plane starts the system, use an inside turbofan boosted for a fuel cell stack (Hydrogen) to move only two superconductor turbines to generate the necessary power for E-engines on the take-off maneuver.

source-image: Oscar Viñals

source-image: Oscar Viñals

When the airplane is flying the system feeds back. To keep a low center of masses and well-adjusted, the storage batteries, Hydrogen and Fuel are located under the cargo bay section and wings.
