The AK-47 is a gas-operated assault rifle that is chambered for the 7.62×39mm cartridge. Developed in the Soviet Union by designer Mikhail Kalashnikov.The number “47” refers to the year the rifle was finished. Design work on the AK-47 began in 1945.

It has a muzzle velocity of about 700 meters per second, can fire 600-rounds-per-minute at the cyclic rate, and hold a 30-round magazine of 7.62mm ammunition. When the operator pulls the trigger, he/she releases the firing hammer, which strikes the firing pin.

This action ignites the bullet primer which, in turn, ignites the gunpowder to fire the bullet. The gas that propels the bullet forward also pushes back on the bolt carrier assembly, ejecting the empty casing. This action also resets the hammer into firing position.The bolt pulls a new round up from the magazine and inserts it into the barrel.
The AK-47 uses a long stroke gas system that is generally associated with great reliability in adverse conditions.The large gas piston, generous clearances between moving parts, and tapered cartridge case design allow the gun to endure large amounts of foreign matter and fouling without failing to cycle.
A 3D animation created in Cinema 4D and After Effects showing how an AK-47 rifle works. Corona renderer was used in order to create realistic materials and reflections.